Did you miss our posts from 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Don't worry. We posted them all here for you.
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 1 of 31: Your personal risk may be elevated if more than one relative was diagnosed when she was postmenopausal or if a relative had breast cancer at age 50 or younger. More info: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 2 of 31: The most common type of invasive breast cancer in young women is invasive ductal carcinoma, which is also the most common breast cancer in all women and men. More info: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-in-young-women/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 3 of 31: Pregnancy-associated breast cancer has an incidence of about 1 in 3,000 pregnancies and is the second most common malignancy seen in pregnant women after cancer of the cervix. More info: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-during-pregnancy/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 4 of 31: Obese women have shown a 30% higher risk of recurrence and a 50% higher risk of dying from breast cancer in studies performed by the National Cancer Institute. More info: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/obesity-and-breast-cancer/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 5 of 31: Many older patients who have breast cancer are not symptomatic from their breast cancer. More info about the elderly and breast cancer: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-late-life/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 6 of 31: You can ask your surgeon for a copy of your surgical pathology report to keep for your personal medical records. See what is often included in the report: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/interpreting-surgical-pathology-report/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 7 of 31: Not all fats are bad. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that promote the health of many body systems, including the breast. More #nutrition facts and myths: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-and-nutrition-facts-and-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 8 of 31: Most patients will meet many specialists as they decide on treatment. If you’re not comfortable with your treatment recommendations or providers, you can ask for a 2nd opinion. https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/choosing-your-team-and-second-opinions/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 9 of 31: Klinefelter Syndrome, chronic liver disease, gallstones, Gynecomastia, and testicular diseases are factors that make men prone to breast cancer. More about male breast cancer: https://breast360.org/topics/2016/10/27/male-breast-cancer-myths-and-facts/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 10 of 31: Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS) is not the same for each patient. More myths and facts about DCIS: https://breast360.org/topics/2016/09/30/ductal-carcinoma-in-situ-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 11 of 31: You may not always have to choose mastectomy. For some patients a lumpectomy may remove the breast cancer and a rim of healthy tissue. More: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/lumpectomy/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 12 of 31: There are actually several different types of #mastectomy: radical, modified radical, total, skin-sparing, and nipple. More about these options: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/mastectomy/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 13 of 31: Compared to other types of mastectomy, nipple-sparing mastectomy has a higher complication rate. Some guidance on when or when not you may be a candidate: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/nipple-sparing-mastectomy/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 14 of 31: Placement of a tissue expander can allow the patient to choose the size of her permanent implants. More about this #BreastReconstruction option: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/tissue-expanders-in-breast-reconstruction/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 15 of 31: Surgery of the affected breast may be an option for patients with #MetastaticBreastCancer (#MBC). More related facts and myths: https://breast360.org/topics/2016/10/27/metastatic-breast-cancer-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 16 of 31: Intimacy is possible after breast cancer. Here are some considerations for you and your partner: https://breast360.org/topics/2016/01/01/intimacy-after-breast-cancer/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 17 of 31: Accelerated partial breast radiation (APBI), or #brachytherapy, may be an effective way to give radiation therapy safely. See considerations: https://breast360.org/topics/2016/05/15/brachytherapy-overview-and-history/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 18 of 31: #ClinicalTrials test the effectiveness and side effects of surgical procedures, not only new medicines and medical devices. More about clinical trials: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/clinical-trials-who-why-and-how/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 19 of 31: If you have breast cancer but no insurance, you may be able to negotiate a deal or access assistance programs. More: https://breast360.org/topics/2018/09/17/10-tips-for-navigating-health-insurance-and-medical-bills-in-breast-care/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 20 of 31: Maintaining healthy weight can decrease both your risk of breast cancer coming back and risk of #lymphedema. More about lymphedema: https://breast360.org/topics/2018/09/17/lymphedema-prevention/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 21 of 31: Insurance companies and #Medicare may cover post-#mastectomy bras and prostheses with a doctor’s prescription. More options: https://breast360.org/topics/2018/01/22/breast-prosthesis/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 22 of 31: Reducing risk of recurrence of #cancer is a life-long commitment. It matters how you follow up post treatment. More: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/your-turn-take-control/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 23 of 31: Acupuncture may decrease side effects caused by cancer or cancer therapy, although your hematologist/oncologist should be consulted first. More considerations: https://breast360.org/topics/2015/01/01/acupuncture/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 24 of 31: When comparing women with extremely #DenseBreasts to women with fatty replaced breasts, risk of developing breast cancer with dense breasts is increased by 4 to 6 times. https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-density-what-is-it-what-does-it-mean-to-me/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 25 of 31: a breast #MRI will not replace your #mammogram. Considerations: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/screening-mammography-and-mri/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 26 of 31: If you test positive for a genetic mutation, there are things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Considerations: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/brca-testing/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 27 of 31: Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (#IORT) may be combined with traditional whole-breast radiation therapy for women at greater risk of local recurrence. Considerations: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/intraoperative-radiotherapy/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 28 of 31: Fear of recurrence (FOR) is real. Here are a few ways you can deal with it: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/fear-breast-cancer-recurrence/.
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 29 of 31: Ovarian cancer may increase breast cancer risk. https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 30 of 31: Although rare, men can get breast cancer; genetic consultation becomes more important when men in the family have breast cancer. https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/breast-cancer-myths/
Surprising #BreastCancer Fact 31 of 31: Targeted drug therapies, similar to chemotherapy and hormone therapy, can be given before surgery, after surgery, or to treat recurrences or metastases to other organs. More: https://breast360.org/topics/2017/01/01/systemic-targeted-therapies-breast-cancer/